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May 9, 2012

The Fast Way To Sell More Signs

Love Channel Letter Sign With Moss in it

What is the quickest way to sell more signs?

Here at Direct Sign Wholesale, we’ve discussed several potential answers to that question. This one really works.

The fastest way to sell more signs is to ask more questions, and do more listening instead of talking.

That was easy, wasn’t it? Actually, you know it isn’t that easy.

When you are making a field sales presentation, aren’t you tempted to talk and talk? Present yourself as the all-knowing signage expert?

The funny thing is, the more questions we ask, the more signs we sell. Asking more questions has also opened up cross-selling opportunities we didn’t get before.

What are good signage sales questions? Here are a few:

1. What would you like to accomplish with this sign?

2. Where do you think is the best location for this sign?

3. Did you have a particular type of sign in mind?

4. What is your budget?

5. Did your landlord or building owner need to approve this sign?

6. Did your landlord or building owner provide you with signage requirements?

7. Have you already received any other quotations?

8. Do you have artwork prepared?

9. What color do you think would be best for this sign?

10. What made you decide to buy a sign now?

11. Have you seen a similar business that had a signage configuration you really liked?

12. Do any other parts of your business (indoor or outdoor) need signage?

13. Who makes the final decision for the signage plan?

14. When would you like to have the sign installed?

That is just a brief sample – add more as you see fit. The point is that it is far better to ask questions and let your prospect tell you what their priorities and goals are. Then you can tailor your sales presentation accordingly and sell more signs.