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May 30, 2013

How to Make a High Sign Package Price Seem Low

Love Channel Letter Sign With Moss in it

You know this type of customer. You’ve listened to all of their concerns and you’ve spent time on their site. Based on their needs, you’ve put together an excellent channel letter sign package that includes 3 signs in total, including one with a logo box.

Your installed quotation price is $10,364.70. You know this customer is price sensitive, so how can you put that seemingly large number in the correct perspective?

The answer is simple. Look at the sign as an employee, not as a sign. The sign is a highly productive sales employee who never complains, calls in sick, goes on strike or does poor work. This employee works 24/7 and brings in new customers every day. Definitely someone you’d like to have on your team, right?

Here is an easy way to do it – take the gross quoted amount and divide it like this: * $10,364.70/12 months = $863.73 per month * $863.73/4.33 weeks per month = $199.47 per week * $199.47/168 hours per week = $1.19 per hour Now, wouldn’t you hire an employee who offered to work for $1.19 per hour and brought in new customers all day long? You better believe it, and your channel letter customer should as well.

Place that $1.19 per hour figure prominently in your quotation. Then your customer will compare that to some of their actual employee wages and your sign package will look indispensable by comparison.